Global (Missions) Entrepreneurship
Global or Missions Entrepreneurship is the activity of using business or professional skills from the marketplace to advance the Kingdom of God and the Great Commission.
The goal for this course is to help the global missions movement find new ways to solve old problems and new challenges.
The missions landscape has been ever changing, and as information technology grows, more and more countries are becoming increasingly aware of global mission movements. Shifting our mindset to look for ways to still make an impact on these difficult countries to enter will be an essential element of taking the gospel to the unreached. This course explores, through case studies, a multitude of ways on a business level to engage unreached peoples by using professional skills. It addresses the challenges as well as the blessings that come along with our attempts to make this mindset shift among an increasingly hostile environment to the gospel. The gospel will go forward, the question is how? We believe strongly that utilising business could essentially help aid in the progress of the gospel among the unreached. Journey with us through the case studies and explore what other missionaries are already doing around the world.

Introduction: 5 Ways to engage in Global Entrepreneurship
Case Study: Bugkalot Coffee Company

Workshop 2: The Essential Ingredient of Partnership
Teaching : The Essential Ingredient of Partnership
Panel Discussion about Partnership

Workshop 3: Pitfalls to Avoid
Teaching : Pitfalls to Avoid
Case Study : Sea Cucumber Farming

Workshop 4: Building a Missional Business / Enterprise
Teaching : Growing my entrepreneurship capacity
Case study : Cafe Business