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Organisational Information
Pioneers inAsia is a non-profit organisation that mobilises Asian Missionaries to glorify God among unreached peoples by initiating church-planting movements in partnership with local churches.
Pioneers inAsia is a public company limited by guarantee incorporated pursuant to the laws of the Republic of Singapore; registered under the charities act (UEN 198502289W).
The company was registered on 1 November 1985 under the name of Mission to Unreached Peoples Ltd and then had a name change on 9 December 1998 when the entity was renamed Pioneers inAsia (Singapore) Ltd.
Our Board
Dr Chris Cheah Hean Aun (Chairman)
Bryon Luo Youde (Treasurer)
Philip Ling Soon Hwa
Stephen Ong Teck Soon
Our Mobilisation Base Director
Whitley Sim
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