As a missionary working in the field, focused on the daily tasks at hand and solving the myriad of issues that often arise, time passes quickly in a blur of activity. The busy days filled with various challenges of missionary life can sometimes leave little room for introspection and hearing from God.
This is where spiritual journaling comes in. It offers numerous benefits, including fostering self-reflection and gratitude, facilitating conversations with God, aiding in planning and goal setting, and providing a much-needed boost of creativity for problem-solving.
Creating A Book of Remembrance
At the Lord’s command, Moses recorded the stages in their journey. Numbers 33:2
In their 40-year journey to the promised land, Moses faithfully recorded all the places at which the Israelites made camp. This was meticulously detailed in Numbers 33.
Why should we journal? When we journal and record the events happening when we serve on the mission field, it may seem inconsequential at the point of writing. For instance, why would it matter for Moses to record the fact that the Israelites left Pi Hahiroth, passed through the Red Sea into the desert of Etham, and then camped at Marah and finally Elim, where there were twelve springs and seventy palm trees? (Numbers 33:8-9)
Upon more careful study, the modern reader would realise that the journey from Pi Hahiroth to Elim mirrors a portion of the earthly journey that Jesus took in chronological order! The crossing of the Red Sea symbolises His baptism (1 Corr 10:1-2), the desert of Etham was the temptation in the wilderness He endured (Matt 4:1-11), Marah where bitter waters were made sweet echoes His first miracle at the wedding in Cana (Matt 8:5-13), and at Elim, the appointing of the twelve apostles and seventy disciples (Luke 10).
Our daily life on the mission field may seem mundane and unimportant to us, but we never know what will be significant in our missions journey when they are happening at the moment. It is only through the lens of passing time, that we discover precious hidden details in the mysterious plans and purposes of God.
Setting Up Memorial Stones
So these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever. Joshua 4:7
Keeping a journal is a great way to remember the goodness of God and what He has done for us. The English writer Samuel Johnson once said that people need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed. This is especially true in our missions journey, when we have to deal with daily stressors and at times it may feel like endless toil that yields little fruit.
Whenever I am feeling sad or discouraged, I will thumb through the pages of my journal and re-read old entries of the testimonies of how God had come through for me in the past, and it will stir my heart to faith again.
I have also discovered in my early years of journaling, that this is an amazing way to converse with God. It was almost uncanny how the questions that I had for Him - those that I had journaled down, were swiftly answered! Looking back to those early years, perhaps it was His way of encouraging me to start journaling.
There were many times too, when I knew that I would have a difficult week ahead, I would list my struggles and challenges as a journaled petition to Him, and miraculously, every single problem on my list would be resolved by the end of the week. It was such a joy at the end of the week to return to my journal and strike each issue off the list, with a little note detailing how God came through for me.
With every new testimony penned down, of how He provided for me, new memorial stones are being established in my life, so that I may never forget His goodness and love.
Have You Started Journaling?
It is never too late to begin journaling your missions journey today. A practical way to start is by penning down your testimonies and prayers every week. It is also useful to record the key dates of significant events and milestones of your life and at the place you serve.
Be prepared to be amazed as you witness God meeting your daily needs and answering your prayers through journaling. You'll start to see recognizable patterns of His hidden hand at work too.