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Reflection from the recent PCOT (Pre-Candidate Orientation Training)

Writer's picture: Pioneers inAsiaPioneers inAsia

Updated: May 6, 2024

At our recent training session, we had an awesome time together. Pioneers inAsia trains missionaries from the global south (Southeast Asia and India) to be sent to unreached people groups all around the world. This training session included participants from various parts of the world, spanning from the Philippines to the Caribbean. It is always a tremendous blessing and humble experience to witness God call more laborers to the field from every corner of the earth.


During the session, some missionaries shared stories. One of them said something that really resonated with me: "MISSIONS doesn't just start with going to a place, it starts in your heart." 

Whether we are going to serve or give to support others, my prayer is that we all have the Lord's mission in our hearts. Let us strive to serve those who have not yet heard the name of Jesus and the salvation that only He can offer. Missions is in the heart of God, and cannot be separated from it. Matthew 24:14, “This gospel of the kingdom WILL be proclaimed throughout the WHOLE WORLD as a testimony to ALL NATIONS, and then the end will come.” His gospel WILL go forward and not even the gates of hell can stand against it. 


What a refreshing and encouraging thought. He has got this, even if we are disobedient or defiant, He will still prevail! Hallelujah to the ONE who is greater!


I am grateful for the continued prayer and support as we look to see more labourers being sent out into the harvest field. 

"MISSIONS doesn't just start with going to a place, it starts in your heart.""MISSIONS doesn't just start with going to a place, it starts in your heart."

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