Reflections on Luke 24

As followers of Christ, we are called to share His message with the world, yet there are times when we fail to recognise how God is moving in our lives. What if, in the busyness of our everyday tasks and the troubles and challenges we experience, God is walking beside us, but we’re too distracted to see Him? How might scripture, when deeply understood, reshape our understanding of His mission and our role in it? And, when we do experience Christ’s presence, are we filled with joy and urgency to share Him with those who have not yet heard?
These are the questions that may arise when we reflect on the story of Cleopas and the other disciple in Luke 24. After the crucifixion, they were walking to Emmaus, confused and disheartened, unaware that the risen Jesus was walking with them. It wasn’t until much later, when He broke bread with them, that they finally recognized Him. Their journey reflects the very essence of our Christian walk: sometimes we fail to see God in the ordinary, even though He is right there, patiently revealing Himself to us.
In the unfolding of this encounter, we see Jesus explain the scriptures to the disciples, helping them grasp the bigger picture of God’s redemptive plan. The fulfilment of prophecy in Christ reminds us of the power of scripture to open our eyes to God’s mission, not just for the world, but for our lives. As we study the Bible, we begin to see how God’s plan for redemption is not only something to marvel at but something we are actively invited to participate in.
The moment the disciples recognized Jesus was during the breaking of bread, reminding us of the significance of communion and the ways we encounter Christ in the ordinary means of grace, whether in prayer, fellowship, or the simple act of sharing a meal, it is through these practices that we come to realise His presence with us.
This encounter stirred such joy in Cleopas and his friend that they immediately rushed back to Jerusalem to share the news with the other disciples. Their response reflects the heart of the Great Commission. When we experience the risen Christ, it compels us to go out and share this good news with others. We are called to bear witness, especially to those who have yet to hear the gospel, inviting them into the life-transforming power of Christ’s resurrection.
Faith, strengthened through such encounters with Christ, enables us to move forward in our mission even when doubt or confusion tries to cloud our understanding. Just as the disciples’ faith is renewed, we too are reminded that Christ walks with us in every step of our journey, guiding us as we seek to fulfil His mission in the world.
In what ordinary moments of your life might God be present, even if you haven’t recognized Him?
How can deepening your understanding of Scripture help shape your role in God’s mission?
When you encounter Christ, how do you respond? Are you sharing the joy of His presence with others who may not yet know him?